Volunteer testimonial

“What drew me to HELP initially is HELP’s commitment to aid the schools…..
Regarding the application process, I felt like HELP was quite good in the pre-departure aspect in providing information and connecting new volunteers with past volunteers. However, Nepal can be quite overwhelming; therefore, slightly more support once volunteers arrive could be beneficial. And because our placement can be quite isolating, possibly connecting us with other current volunteers might be helpful. Overall it was a pleasant experience with HELP.”

“When I landed in Nepal, I knew this was going to be an unforgettable experience. Kathmandu was very overwhelming, the traffic, the crowds. I was a little bit worried about what I have gotten myself into. The first few days at school did nothing to calm my nerves. The structure, the method of teaching were all so unfamiliar to me. And as a teacher who relies on activities, and therefore the printer, to drive the class, I was a bit apprehensive about not having a printer. While these obstacles challenged me, they allowed me to push the boundaries of my teaching abilities. Through this experience, I learned a lot about about myself, both as a person and as a teacher. And as my time in Nepal comes to an end, I am grateful for the connections I was able to build with my students and I am sad that I am leaving them so soon.”

Veeda Huang: Kathmandu Valley, 2019

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I think it’s a great organization. I’m really impressed with how small and focused on each project HELP is.
Jill PeckVidya Sagar Gyanpeeth School