The hair-raising roads one has to negotiate in Sikkim and District Darjeeling are maintained by BRO (the Border Road Organisation) a public service that delights in fixing to the rock face uplifting advice. These notices are so numerous that I imagine they have a whole department with the sole purpose of devising and making these signs. So enthusiastic are the workers in this department they they feel it is their duty to offer not just road safety advice, but also moral advice. I hope these guardians of moral virtue are paid well. Here are a few examples of their work:
- Hey! Speed lovers. This road leads to hell.
- Hasty climber how quickly fallen
- Careful is your safety
- Be honest and good to all
- Slow drive, long life
- Careful driver goes far.
- We do not remember days. We remember moments.
- Work like a master, not like a slave.
- Love me or hate me, but spare me your indifference.
- Only God is in a position to look at anyone.
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