Covid relief in Kalimpong

We sent a grant to Kiran Chettri of the Hope Family Trust in Kalimpong to purchase and deliver essential supplies to the poorest members of the community. This is what Kiran has reported:


“Respected Jim Coleman and all the team from Help. Greetings to you,

It is my please to give report about the fund which you sent to support for the covid-19 relief. Rs, 86663.00 we as team of Hope Family Trust would like to extend thankfulness to you all for your generous support. Thank you for making one of your project partners to reach out the Himalayan people. It was such a difficult time for us during pandemic.

I would like to update about the things that has lately happened especially the Covid Relief which took place recently. We were able to conduct the Covid Relief once again and it took place at the leprosy colony and Kalimpong surroundings villages with your support we were able to help the people who were really in needs. Due to the pandemic, they were running short on the daily supplies like sugar, salt, soap, tea leaves and so on. It was a great pleasure to be able to help them once again and seeing their delightful faces once again bought great joy to me as well as the girls. We were able to provide the relief to 50-60 people in the leprosy colony and surrounding village, one from each family and this time we reached to the really needy ones instead of giving to those who already have at least enough for their family.

The relief contained a twelve kg bag of rice, potatoes, onions, oil, soap and other basic necessity that are required every day. This relief would never have been possible without your financial aid and support; therefore, I am really grateful towards your help. I am sure that this relief gave great help to the ones in need, although the commodities will not last forever but the people were really happy that they at least got their one-time meal. As we hand over the supplies we helped them to understand how import to take a vaccine even we helped some people to go vaccine centre.

Due to covid -19 all the classes is going online Miss Palmu Sherpa is one of the child supports by HELP she needed mobile to do the online classes it was difficult for all the children using one mobile. She is in class 12 needed more project to do as per your permission I bought mobile which cost Rs, 17990, same time we used Rs, 10000.00 we donated to Kalimpong NGO network for covid relief we all NGO worked together to fight covid.

For your information I am sending few pictures and I hope that you will be able to see their joyous faces and how happy they were to receive the items from the relief. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude towards your selfless act of giving and even in the coming future I hope that we will be able to see the joy and smile on the people faces through your support.

Even in the coming future I look forward to working together with you, so that we will be able to bring changes in the people’s lives and help them to live life with good health and fulfill their basic necessities. Looking forward to the upcoming days ahead of us.

Thank you
Kiran Chettri
Hope Family trust.

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