Coronavirus crisis in Nepal and India

Dear friends,

Last year you were very generous in sending us donations to help our schools cope with the impact of the pandemic on their finances and teaching programmes. You sent us £3,328 in total, which is more than we expected so we were able to help more schools than the one we had in mind.  I reported on this in our last newsletter.

Last year, the pandemic was particularly bad in Europe and America, but just recently India and Nepal have been overwhelmed by the latest wave. A few weeks ago the authorities were congratulating themselves on having handled the pandemic well. They lowered their guard and so were unprepared for what is happening now.  The hospitals can’t cope, essential equipment is lacking, and people are dying in the streets.

One of our trusted local charities, the Serve and Share Association in Uttarakhand, has sent out an appeal to their contacts (HELP being among them) for funds for 50 oximeters at $25 each and two oxygenerators at $850 each. Although we are an educational charity, there are times like this when we can’t stand by and tell ourselves that the pandemic is not our business, so we would like to raise as much money as we can to meet this request and others that we can expect in the days and weeks ahead.

We would appreciate your financial support once again, however small. Your response last year was amazing, and we are hoping that you can do the same this year. I will report back later in the year to let you know what we did with your money. To donate, simply go to the donation page of our  and follow the instructions. Many thanks in advance!

Best wishes,

Jim Coleman

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Volunteering with HELP offers all the good things of working with a small, personal organisation: in-depth local knowledge from the HELP organisers, and the feeling that one is doing something for the first time.
Daniel CookAlgarah School