Volunteer testimonial

Overall I had a very positive experience working in Nepal with HELP and Himalayan Projects and would recommend others to do the same. I got to see parts of Nepal tourist do not get to see and take part in events that were so special to me. The people I met on this experience will stay with me forever and I am so humbled by their kindness to me. Treating local Nepalese patients was such a unique experience and I was able to learn a lot about local health conditions.…

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Volunteer testimonial

I’m so glad I came to Nepal through HELP. Some volunteer organisations can seem a bit faceless and impersonal, but this was completely not the case with HELP. With HELP I felt supported and looked out for every step of the way. It felt like an intimate and caring organisation…..The experience was life-changing and utterly priceless. It has steered me in a new direction, given me new understanding, and I will carry it in my heart always.(Joseph Cottrell, Nepal: 2017)…

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Volunteer testimonial

HELP is a great organisation that I think approaches helping schools in a really good way. I appreciate their values with responsible volunteering that benefits the school foremost. I also appreciate their trust I volunteers whilst on their placement to go about their work. I feel well supported as a volunteer by HELP and would definitely recommend the organisation to friends.

Shane Lefevre, Sikkim (2017)


And this is what the school said about Shane:

“His work is really appreciated. We are extremely happy with him.…

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Volunteer testimonial

Overall, very good. We loved our placement and felt that we had enough information before we went, although as I have said, we also found out a lot in our first few days in the village. Thank you!

(Adam and Heather Stanger, Western Nepal: 2016)…

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Volunteer testimonial

H.E.L.P is doing a wonderful job taking volunteers to some very special places and helping these poor areas survive in a difficult modern world.

(Anne and Bob Summers, District Darjeeling, West Bengal: 2016)…

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Volunteer testimonial

I am very pleased to have chosen HELP. Barbara and Jim were very helpful and kind people.

Melanie Boulet, Darjeeling District, West Bengal: 2016…

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Volunteer testimonial

HELP is a lean and transparent organization that is focused on providing help to Nepali and Indian institutions with a minimum of bureaucratic froufrou. In Nepal, I met volunteers working through other organizations, and they were astounded at the minimum fuss and money that volunteering through HELP entailed. I found HELP though an Internet search. They looked like the best organization through which to volunteer, and I now believe they are the best.

(James Dix, Nepal: 2016)…

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Volunteer testimonial

H.E.L.P is doing a wonderful job taking volunteers to some very special places and helping these poor areas survive in a difficult modern world.

(Anne and Bob Summers, West Bengal: 2016)…

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I want to let you know that I have looked at a lot of volunteer organizations since I did your program and you have (as far as I can tell) one of the best. I really like how much you personally care about each volunteer and each school.
Anne GillilandDenjong Pema Choling Academy